
人气指数:1 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 14:53

  MathWorks 是研发数学计算软件的供应商,拥有着世界上出名的工程师和科学家进行研究,开发,创新等等,被广泛运用到生活中多个行业当中去,可以用来辅助很多产品的设计和开发还有超多的远销采取MathWorks的解决方案来发展教学和科研。(超过 5000 家)


  At MathWorks, we express who we are as an organization through our guiding principle, our mission, and our core values. Developed over time, each represents a philosophy or goal that is intrinsically important to the organization.

  Our guiding principle is "Do the Right Thing." This means doing what is best for our staff members, customers, business partners, and communities for the long term, and believing that "right" answers exist. It also means measuring our success, not merely in financial terms, but by how consistently we act according to this principle. Our mission and core values express what "doing the right thing" means in our day-to-day work.

  Our mission articulates our goals as a company and how we go about achieving them. Our core values set out the principles that define who we are and how we work together. We invite you to explore these two different ways of understanding MathWorks.


  MathWorks 现有 3000 名员工,其中有 30% 位于美国境外。


  在 2013 年为 $7.5 亿美元,其中超过 60% 来自美国以外的市场




  3 Apple Hill Drive

  Natick, Massachusetts 01760 USA



  MATLAB® 是一种用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据分析以及数值计算的科学计算语言和编程环境。Simulink® 是一种用于对多领域动态和嵌入式系统进行仿真和模型设计的图形化环境。公司还针对数据分析和图形处理等特殊任务推出近 100 项其他产品。

  MathWorks produces mathematical computing software for engineers, scientists, mathematicians, and researchers. MATLAB, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation. Simulink is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-Based Design of multidomain dynamic and embedded systems. The company produces nearly 100 additional products for specialized tasks such as data analysis and image processing.

  Technical Computing with MATLAB 2:38

  Model-Based Design with MATLAB and Simulink 3:12

  In the past few years, engineers and scientists have used MathWorks products to:

  Improve the safety and efficiency of spacecraft docking by developing adaptive neurocontrol technology for a computer-aided, joystick control system

  Advance the mapping of the human genome by developing algorithms for DNA sequencing instruments

  Avert financial crises in emerging economies by building an econometric model to predict such crises

  Advance the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tract disorders by improving visual imaging of the small intestine

  Test the dynamic ition of ships in heavy seas using scale models of those ships in the lab

  Verify the legality of money bills by scanning images of the bills and identifying the small fibers that they contain

  Improve the quality of next-generation network audio products by simulating what happens to a signal when it is transmitted over a network

  Enable temperate crops to be grown in dry coastal regions by designing a greenhouse that converts seawater into fresh water

  Improve race car performance by designing an automatic spring-testing system

  Teach computer programming to undergraduates by developing a test and measurement laboratory that confronts the students with authentic engineering problems

  Create images of hitherto unexplored underwater archeology and geology sites by mapping plankton density and location relative to water masses

  Translate the distorted sound of the human voice in high-pressure environments by lowering the frequency and pitch of the sound made by the voice box


  迈斯沃克软件 (北京) 有限公司


  融科资讯中心C座 南楼3层301

  邮编: 100190

  电话: +86-10-5982-7000

  传真: +86-10-5982-7010






  电话: +86-21-6072-6700


  3 Apple Hill Drive

  Natick, MA 01760-2098


  电话: +1-508-647-7000


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